Sunday, September 28, 2008

Waiting For Test Results (What's New?)

WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 13, 2008 12:22 PM

Lunch with Jessica, Clint, Michele an Tim.

Fastest update EVER
I'm at the airport (connecting in Charlotte) and almost ready to board for Michigan and I'm going home. I missed Michigan, Kevin, Chloe, my garden etc..
I got all my tests in Thursday and Friday and then went to Austin. Jen, Paul and Angela and Kasey were all awesome hosts. I had a nice time in Austin and got to see some friends that I have missed. I also got to just relax, get some sun and watch a lot of the olimpics.

I went back to MD Anderson Tuesday (yesterday) to have a consultation and start the trial drug. I take two pills am and two pills pm. My blood tests were higher (not the direction they should go) and I still do not have results from the CT and Bone Scan. Oh freaking well. I layed into the trial coordinator telling her that they need to understand what it is like to be the patient and stop acting like test results are not important to rush. I'll quote myself "I am the patient. I have cancer. I have to get through an entire weekend wondering what spots in my body have tumors, I flew out to Houston, I rescheduled all my appointments, I sat through multiple blood draws and IVs, I sat through bone scans and CT scans, drank all that freaking barium. It's my body and I want to know the results to MY tests. I have every right to know exactly what is going on with my body as soon as you know" Yowzers. I'm fine now that I vented. Believe me. I'm okay with all of this and I will figure out what I need to do. I'll make it through this weekend not knowing just fine. I think I vented mostly for other patients who have to deal with that same thing. Like I said before, I am done stressing and being scared. I can wait.

I'll just keep trying until I figure out what my body needs to get healthy. I took two pills last night (of the expiramental drug) and two pills about an hour ago. So far so good.
I cannot wait to be back home by my juicer, my wheatgrass, my garden, my sauna, my yoga room, so I can start getting super healthy.

Okay, we're starting to board. I think they were delayed because this ended up not being the fastest update ever.

I still have time so I want to tell you what some stranger said to me yesterday. He said "how are you doing?" I said "Fine, how are you?" and he said "Best day of my life". The way he said it was just like he was trying to make this the best possible day for him, but I don't think he won the lottery or anything. It made me think. I need to start living like that. What if every day we tried to make the best day of our life no matter what is on the schedule. The rest of my day was a lot better after he said that to me.

Ok, got to go home.

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